How to Know if You Dreamed About Jesus Angry

A week ago I had a dream about Jesus. It was very real and vivid. I'm not sure if it was from the Spirit or not; I've never had a spiritual dream before. Just I tin't get it out of my mind and continue to think well-nigh this very short dream without end.

A day or two earlier the dream, while driving in the motorcar, I was listening to a podcast. I heard the verse from Deuteronomy "You shall love the LORD your God with all your middle and with all your soul and with all your might." Something stirred within of me. I do love God with all my heart, but what about his son? I am truly missing something there.

I believe he was on the globe. I believe he was both God and man. I believe he that atoned for my sin at the cross. But I don't know him, not like I want to; non truly with deep affection or peachy longing.

I prayed a heart prayer to God as I drove. I'm non sure if it was aloud or in my head, but I prayed the Lord would reveal his son to me in a new way. I prayed that I would find what I am missing and be then full of beloved for Christ that information technology would spill out of me onto others. I wanted to have a passion and realness about him in my center so that I could share it. You can't share something with someone you don't have.

Here are some reasons this dream could take been an answer to prayer:

God encourages united states to ask for wisdom."If whatsoever of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him." (James i:5)

God says if seek him, nosotros volition detect him. "Ask, and it volition be given to yous; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will exist opened to y'all." (Matthew 7:7)

God wants usa to know him. "And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you accept sent." John 17:3

God says if we pray according to his own good volition, the answer is yes. "If you bide in me, and my words abide in you lot, ask any you wish, and it will be washed for you." (John 15:7)

God wants u.s. to tell anybody most Jesus. "And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole cosmos." (Marker 16:15)

So now the dream.

I was in the passenger seat of a car at dark in a woodsy surface area. The motorcar was crashing, merely all I saw was grass lit by headlights headed for my confront. I idea I would certainly dice.

Adjacent matter I knew I was dorsum in the moving car, like nothing had happened, looking out the rider window. I looked out at the dark woods and saw a human in a deep purple robe standing at the side of the route with the hood up loosely. Information technology was Jesus!

When I saw his face I knew it was him and began to leap in my seat with excitement. My window was down and I wanted to leap out of it to get to him! I saw his confront and the look he gave me is what continues to stir my soul. He looked at me and with one facial expression was a mix of:

  • I run into you.
  • I know you.
  • I know yous want to agree me.
  • It'south not time nonetheless.
  • I'grand and then happy you want to encounter me this much!
  • Even with a touch of loving humor: Y'all funny girl, yous would bound out of that motorcar, wouldn't you lot?

It was a subtle smile, just more complex. A knowing grin, nigh every bit if he were tickled that I was and then excited to see him, like if you looked at your spouse from across the room at a political party and nodded at each other. His personality was multi-dimensional and devoted and strong and witty and good-humored. Honestly, he looked like a person you could easily talk to.

hearts in nature - gray rock

Yes, it was a quick glance but I even so felt all of this and more. It was such a powerful commutation I tin can't end thinking about information technology.

Have yous ever pictured Jesus like this? Sadly, I accept not. He wasn't there to give me a lecture or tell me to be better. He rescued me from the dark wood and from certain decease. He knew me similar a life-long best friend. He was even elated that I wanted to exist with him and then much! That'due south the part I'll never get over.

There are millions of Christians. Who am I in that mix? How could he peradventure take fourth dimension for me. Apparently he does. Obviously he has time to rescue me, get to know me and please in me knowing him. I cry if I recollect about it. This is what I have been missing in my relationship with him — a personal and real connection. He is more than a king and redeemer. He is also my loving and dear friend. And he is yours too!

I can't tell y'all if the dream was existent or not, but I did find what I was looking for, that connection I had prayed for. I recollect this is a real turning betoken for me.

The side by side mean solar day I heard a message mentioning the story of Peter jumping off the boat to swim to shore when he saw Jesus because of his excitement and love. John, the author of the verse, even defines his own identity by Christ's love for him.

"That disciple whom Jesus loved [John] therefore said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment, for he was stripped for work, and threw himself into the ocean. The other disciples came ashore in the gunkhole." (John 21:7-8)

That is the same feeling I had in that car. I literally wanted to jump out of the window of a moving vehicle (fifty-fifty though I had just feared for my life in the same vehicle) to be next to him. Jesus radiates love that penetrates even stubborn hearts like mine. He is love.

I heard the verse that started my initial prayer four times that week!"You shall beloved the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might." (Deuteronomy 6:5)

The concluding time I heard information technology was on Sunday, in a parenting class at church. I idea "Oh, he must know that I really need this. Maybe I'thou not being loving plenty to my children. Maybe I'one thousand not teaching them to beloved past my own actions …" On reflection, I see the truth! He wasn't reprimanding me, he was telling me he loves me and wants me to love him!

Dear. Love. Love. That is his message over and again. This theme has been then strong in my life the last two weeks I'm about to explode. That's what'southward going on with my DIY project this week — "they volition know us by our honey." And this Instagram mail service. And talking to strangers and doing kind things for them. And smiling like a weirdo at anyone who looks at me! I demand to share this radiant, joyful love. They need to know this love Jesus has.

So there is my prayer, my dream and his answer. I prayed that I would exist filled so full that it would spill out of me onto others, and that is what compels me to share this dream with you — even though I would actually rather keep this in my personal prayer periodical.

God is love- hearts in nature -

"Beloved, allow usa love one some other, because dearest is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does non love does non know God, for God is love." — 1 John 4:seven-8

Have you ever had a dream you thought to be from the Holy Spirit? I want to hear all of it. And one final thought: Don't forget what you pray for and wait expectantly for his response! It might look different than you lot recollect.

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  • Is there proof God exists?
  • Does prayer brand a deviation?
  • Are you speaking your family unit'southward love linguistic communication?


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